
Design + Development

The Project

Tenantive.ly allows landlords to create an account and list their properties. Users can create new properties, manage them with full CRUD, and enjoy a fully responsive mobile-first design that demonstrates a perfect balance of visual appeal and functionality.

The application utilizes handlebars.js for the front-end, rendering pages quickly and dynamically. There is a homepage, which lists all of the properties in order of when they were last updated. If a visitor clicks on one of the properties, they are taken to a page with more details about the property.

For landlords, there is a login/sign-up option that allows them to create an account. The account requires a unique email, a username, phone number, and password. Once signed up or logged in, you are automatically send to the homepage, where you will have access to the dashboard. The dashboard is where you can view your current properties, update them, or create new property listings. You can even add images to properties using the update form, with the images being stored in an AWS s3 Bucket after going through multer.

The front-end design features plenty of custom design, but the foundation is Bootstrap. JavaScript is also used to interact with the front-end and provide functionality to the pages.

For the back-end, the database is mysql2 powered by sequelize. The models used include a User model, Property model, and Amenities Model. Additionally, bcrypt is used for hashing the passwords, and express-session is used to store session data.

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Spencer Hulse
Full Stack Developer
Chris Hailey
Developer, Schema Design
Benjamin Molini
Designer, Developer